PALAEMON’s vision is to support the safety of passengers by providing a total solution for the evacuation of high capacity passenger ships. PALAEMON aims to address the increased need for advanced passenger ship evacuation methodologies by defining a new ICT framework and radical rethink of mass evacuation systems with the introduction of MEVs with a wider scope than a sole technical proposition. Driven by the need to yield an end-to-end uniform approach, PALAEMON redefines the issue of passenger ship safety by taking into consideration issues pertaining to cost, complexity, vulnerability, societal acceptance and ethics. Research performed will cover development, integration and awareness-raising activities to introduce a holistic system which:
- Adopts a Total Ship Mustering & Evacuation Approach, merging and balancing all relevant aspects in the delivery of a novel marine evacuation system.
- Delivers by means of research, development and demonstration, a scalable framework and congruent prototype that will guarantee the seamless, real time and cost-efficient surveillance and monitoring of ships’ decks – irrespective of their type – enhancing the safety of complex and hard to monitor infrastructures.
- Introduces a ground-breaking approach in simulating the behaviour of important subsystems, potential threats and the human factor. The resulting simulated environment will be used for early design and testing processes of the PALAEMON components and it will also be exploited for the training of search and rescue operators.
- Supports a total Early Detection and Situational Awareness mechanism that will assist authorities and operators even in the most complex, remote or demanding localized spaces.
- Assesses at runtime how activities or phenomena might evolve into an incident for the passenger ship, fusing different information data, thus establishing an active and dynamic safety framework, outperforming current passive and static frameworks.
- Improves the sensor base and sensor intelligence to detect various kinds of illicit activity patterns with reduced rates of false alarms.
- Sets a cornerstone for the standardization of equipment, processes and methodologies for marine evacuation at EU level, addressing the cross-cultural issues emerging from the diversity imposed by the passengers and their cultures, legislation, etc.
- Safeguards the societal acceptance of the proposed framework by adhering to the recommendations and expectations of the Societal Impact Expert Working Group.
- Implements visible demonstrations of an innovative and Unique Reference System for the PALAEMON Ecosystem.