Papers Conferences and Workshops

Journal Papers and Conferences


Journal Papers and Conferences
  •  Koimtzoglou A., Ventikos N. P., Themelis N., Louzis K., Danopoulou A., Koimtzoglou M., “A dynamic risk model for assessing the risk of delay during mustering phase of a passenger ship evacuation process”, Proc. of the Ins. of Mech. Eng., Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (JEME), 2023, Under Review


  • Ventikos, N.P., Koimtzoglou, A., Louzis, K., Themelis, N., Koimtzoglou, M.-A, A Smart Risk Assessment Tool for Decision Support during Ship Evacuation, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(5), p. 1014. Available 2023





  • Cob-Parro, A.C., Losada-Gutiérrez, C., Marrón-Romera, M., Gardel-Vicente, A.; Bravo-Muñoz, I., Smart Video Surveillance System Based on Edge Computing. Sensors 2021, 21, 2958


  • Panagiotidis, P., Giannakis, K., Angelopoulos, N., Liapis, A., Shipping Accidents Dataset: Data-Driven Directions for Assessing Accident’s Impact and Improving Safety Onboard. Data 2021, 6, 129


  • Cob-Parro, AC, Losada-Gutiérrez, C, Marrón-Romera, M, Gardel-Vicente, A, Bravo-Muñoz, I, Sarker, MI, A proposal on stampede detection in real environments, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2021



  • Pérez-Navarro, A., Montoliu, R., Torres-Sospedra, J., A Proposal on Stampede Detection in Real Environments, WiP Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN-WiP), Lloret de Mar, Spain 2021


  • Geyer, C. et al., Disabilities in Evacuation for Cruise Ships – Leisure Lab Methodology to Support an Algorithm-driven Evacuation Prediction Model, IEEE International Conference on Computing (ICOCO), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2021, pp. 259-264
    doi: 10.1109/ICOCO53166.2021.9673552





  • K. Rainer, A. Leidwein, P. Nemenz, M. Hoffmann, “Interoperability and crisis management in pandemic outbreak scenarios an overview on different case studies of the austrian approach to tackle the SARS-CoV-2 spread and adherent management challenges”, IDIMT: Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management – 28th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, 2020
  • WP2 1st Workshop for Stakeholders requirements


The first PALAEMON workshop took place on the 25th of November 2019 and was attended by 44 persons (partners from the consortium and external stakeholders). The workshop was organized by NTUA and hosted by ANEK Ferry “KRITI II” that was moored at the Port of Piraeus (Greece). The purpose of the workshop was to distinguish potential problems and areas for improvement of the current systems and procedures, identify the first set of stakeholders’ needs and expectations and map realistic use cases for the purposes of WP2.


  • WP2 2nd Workshop for Stakeholders requirements


The second PALAEMON workshop took place on April 24, 2021 and was hosted online due to the COVID-19 related measures. This workshop was attended by 25 persons (consortium partners and external stakeholders) and its purpose was to receive feedback on the elicited stakeholders’ requirements that were identified through the 1st workshop, to revise stakeholders’ needs and expectations and validate the final set of PALAEMON system requirements. Furthermore, a session of the workshop was dedicated to the presentation of the “ISOLA” project’s concept and the potential convergence between PALAELPN and ISOLA.


  • Workshop: Evacuation and people with disabilities


As part of the requirements engineering and understanding of situations on a ship for senior citizens, Johanniter started a living lab approach in the Vienna Prater on the 6th of May 2021. Corona allowed the use of this recreation and fun area for Johanniter to run a small pilot action to collect data on the impact of moving ground to people with disabilities. Several media supported this action with reports and interviews. A reach of approximately 1.200.000 people was achieved with all media reports through the biggest newspapers in Austria.


Workshop Web Reference: Prater: Johanniter practice ship evacuation –


  • Workshop within EBDVF 2021


The Big Data Value Association (BDVA) is an industry-driven organisation with a mission to develop an innovation ecosystem that enables the data-driven digital transformation of the economy and society in Europe. BDVA organizes a European Big Data Value Forum each year. The 2021 European Big Data Value Forum edition, entitled “Digital Transformation powered by Data and AI” took place from November 29 to December 3, as a “hybrid” event (in person and online). EBDVF 2021 was an associated event of the Slovenian EU Presidency. ATOS, a key partner of PALAEMON had the opportunity to present the PALAEMON project in their Virtual Booth (see EBDVF Atos) — presentation provided by David Gómez and Carmen Perea (30.11 2021)


Workshop Web Reference:


  • Workshop: PALAEMON ICT – VDES integration


Hosted by Thales and Wiser in Florence, a hybrid workshop was dedicated on October 28th in which Carmen Perea, Head of ARI’s Transport Systems and Urban Mobility Unit, and David Gómez (Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Unit) attended virtually to present ARI’s main contribution to the project, which has consisted in the design (hardware and software) and development of three VDES (Very High Frequency Data Exchange System) transceivers.


Workshop Web Reference:


  • Workshop: A radical rethinking of traditional Waterborne Solutions to increase Accessibility and Remove Barriers


The PALAEMON project has been part of a special session organized with the TRA2022(Transport Research Arena) Conference. The session included three EU funded H2020 projects all focused on demonstrating the state-of-the-art research and development results into waterborne transport. Sharing synergies between electrification to reduce GHG and the vision to support the safety of passengers through a total solution for the evacuation of large passenger ships. The session created a collaborative communication space for all three projects to share their respective aims and objectives and latest results.


Workshop Web Reference:


  • Workshop (Online): The Digital Transformation of the Evacuation Process in Passenger Ships


The PALAEMON project and the University of the Aegean Information Management Lab | UAegean i4m Lab organized on 24 November 2022, an online workshop with the participation of speakers from the industry, the research community and the policy-making world to discuss, under the PALAEMON views and acquired experience, the ongoing digital transformation of the evacuation process in the passenger ships.


Workshop Web Reference:


  • Workshop: Evaluate the effectiveness of emergency alert and notification capabilities of the Smart Evacuation Management (SEM) platform Pre-Pilot Workshop I 


The PALAEMON project conducted a pre-pilot action at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the PALAEMON emergency messages and collect data in a controlled environment. On November 25th, representatives from NTUA, Johanniter, and UAegean, along with 20 students from the school of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at NTUA, participated in the action.


Workshop Web Reference:


  • Workshop: PALAEMON Pre-Pilot Workshop II


The pre-pilot conducted on-board the Ro-Ro Ferry “ELYROS” of ANEK on December 15, 2022 (first day) and on December 19, 2022 (second day). The purpose of this 2nd day pre-pilot action was to conduct several pilot exercises with the participation of students playing the role of passengers and to measure some of the PALAEMON defined KPIs.


  • Workshop: PALAEMON after-Pilot Workshop


The final pilot action of the project took place on 30th and 31st of January 2023, on-board the Ro-Ro Ferry “ELYROS” of ANEK. The participants of the pilot action were: 10 students from School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering of NTUA as passengers. Crew members (i.e., Chief Officer and Master) from ANEK’s Ro-Ro Ferry “ELYROS ANEK along with the Pilot Exercise Evaluation Team (PEET) will also be present, acting as crew members. Additionally, there were members of the PALAEMON consortium Airbus, UAegean, NTUA, Ericsson, ANEK, media representatives and external invitees (relevant stakeholders) as observers. After the Pilot, the project team and the invited experts discussed and reviewed the results of the Pilot and summarised the maon pilot achievements and contributions to the field. These conclusion are included in the Deliverables of WP8

  • Smart Evacuation Management via PALAEMON, Posidonia, Athens, Greece


Posidonia 2022 is a well-known exhibition that is held every two years in Athens, Greece. In 2022 the exhibition was held during the week 6th – 10th of June. PALAEMON had a strong presence via a leaflet and a poster in the booth of UAEG.

